Friday, 2 December 2011

Share the Love

Well its December!! God only knows where November went!! I have no idea!!  For me it went in a blur of craft fairs, tissue holders and custom orders.  And a new material I brought that I'm way to scared to even touch at the moment!!  (all will be revealed when I have done some tests!!)

Over the last few weeks I have received 2 blog awards!  I'm so grateful to Pretty Petal and Lavender Attic for the Liebster award.

It means 'dearest' and is given to favourite blogs with under 200 followers.  These are my first blog awards and I am happy to pay them forward to these fab blogs below:

Sew Sweet - felt, findings and gorgeous ribbons and buttons galore!!

Meanyjar - Crochet queen!

Sewrayme - Lots of lovely sewing stories!!

Daffodilsandsnowdrops - More sewing loveliness!

MrsDG  - Quick witted crafter!

I will be letting these lovely ladies know about their awards so they can pay them forwards too.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Melissa for the Liebster Blog Award :)
    Im chuffed you like my blog! Lovvve yours too.
    Ive posted showing my thanks
